Sunday, September 19, 2010


Selamat hari raya...

tak terlewat lagi rasanya untuk mengucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA pada semua pembaca. Kali ini saya malas nak post apa - apa tutorial or notes or pape la. hehehe. sekarang tengah stress sikit. Sibuk dengan assignment yang mengunung. tapi satu pun saya tak buat. hahaha. mood raya masih ada sebenarnya. hahaha. okla malas nak tulis la. nant sambung lagi ek. hehehe.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Resepi turun temurun


Tik tok tik tok... lg 3 hari nk raya... sempena itu saya akan share resepi yg setiap thn my mum pasti buat... tahun ni xtau... hehehe... sbb taun ni saya yang akan buat... so nk tau berjaya or not... tgu next post.. hahahha... so di bawah adlh resepi kuih mazolla or lbh tpt kuih kacang.... (this my sis fav... ) 

Biskut Mazolla @ kacang

1 kg kacang (dibakar & dikisar)
1 kg tepung gandum 
400 gm gula (dikisar)
garam (secukup rasa)
minyak jagung 

1. Gaul adunan (kacang, tepung gandum & gula) sehingga sebati. 
2. Masukkan garam (secukup rasa) 
3. Masukkan minyak jagung (secukup basah) 
4. Uli dan gentel ( terpulang kpd anda nk buat btk apa) 
5. Masuk oven & tunggu sehingga masak.

walla.. hehhee... 

.... the end ....

Kuih Ros


selamat hari raya... ampun maaf dipinta... yeah... lg 5 hari nak raya.... yuhu.... xsabar raya nya... okeh kali ini saya nk kongsi resepi kuih raya.... kuih goyang or lbh glamor lg kuih ros.... npe saya post resepi ini... heheh... ini kerana saya tgk cite GOYANG SYAFIQ kt tv3.... di bawah adlh resepi.... blh copy... hehe... tp kan kalu xjd... jgn marah saya... sbb saya pn xpnh try... huhuhu.....

Bahan-bahan ( 3 balang sederhana )

  • 290gm tepung beras
  • 50 gm tepung gandum
  • 400ml santan
  • 170gm gula
  • 150ml air
  • 1 biji telur
  • 1/2 sudu teh garam
  • minyak secukupnya untuk menggoreng


  1. campurkan semua bahan. kacau sebati. tapis.
  2. panaskan minyak. letak acuan dalam minyak. bila dah panas, celup acuan dalam adunan, masuk semula dalam minyak tadi.
  3. biar sebentar, baru alihkan acuan. goreng hingga masak.

.... the end ....

Measuring Strike and Dip

Strike and dip are measurements that are needed to define the orientation of a plane. The strike line (1) runs horizontal to the plane. It is measured in degrees or bearing. In quadrant compasses, it is recorded in terms of north. (N72E). Azimuth compasses can read from 0 degrees to 360 degrees. The plunge (2,3,4) is the direction in which the plane runs (the way it tilts). It is measured in respect to its position from the horizontal. All lines on the plane are plunging, except the strike line. Lines 2 and 4 are referred to as the apparent dip, and are always less than the true dip. The true dip (3) is the line with the steepest inclination.  It is expressed in degrees and direction. Note that the dip line and the strike line are 90 degrees from one another.


When stress builds up in a rock, it will break.   Faults are the product of compressional, tensional or shear stress. There are several types of faults that occur, depending on where and how the stress is placed on the rock.
Some common faults:


Dip-slip faults
Can be formed from either compressional or tensional stress. Normal faults are caused by tensional forces and reverse faults are caused by compressional forces.

Strike-slip faultsDirection of movement is parallel to the strike. If an observer stands on one side of the fault and sees a person move with the fault on the other side, depending on the direction that person appears to move, will be the classification of the fault

Dip-slip normal fault.

    The fault shown in the above diagram is a normal fault.  The break occurred due to tensional forces.  The hanging wall moves down in relation to the footwall.  It is considered a "high angle" fault, with an angle usually between 45 and 90 degrees. A fault has a strike, dip and movement. The movement is measured by the heave (H on diagram), representing the horizontal distance moved and the throw (T on diagram), which represents the vertical distance moved. Slickenlines are fine "scratch" lines present on the fault surface that indicates the direction of the slip.


Sediment is deposited in horizontal layers, called "beds". The oldest sediment is on the bottom and the youngest is on the top (unless the beds are overturned). After deposition, compressional stress applied to a rock will cause it to fold. There are two main types of folds. An anticline is a fold that bends downward, creating a hill-like structure. A syncline is a fold that bends upward in the shape of a "U".

Anticline    Syncline

Folds are considered either cylindrical or non-cylindrical. If you were to slice a cylindrical fold (like bread), the sections would appear similar. If you could to take a pencil, without lifting it from the surface of the fold, and bring it from one limb to the other, the fold is cylindrical. Looking at the diagram of the non-cylindrical fold, it is evident that the pencil could not remain on the surface
Cylindrical    non-cylindrical

 Concept of cylindrical fold

The plunge of a structure is measured as an angle with respect to its position from the horizontal.
Folds can be plunging or non-plunging, according to the inclination of its fold axis. (see below diagrams)

Non-pluging Fold                 Pluging Folds

The above photograph represents a fold that occurs in Unit 2. Strikes and dips were taken on both limbs and the data was plotted on a stereonet in order to determine the orientation of the fold axis.

Using a Stereographic Net

A stereograph is used by geologists to plot the strike and dip of folds, faults and bed layers uncovered in the field.  A Wulff Net stereograph consists of divided areas of equal angle.  This will be the type of stereonet used for demonstrations shown here. 

All longitudinal lines and the equatorial line are considered Great Circles.  A plane that intersects the sphere and passes through the center, lies on a Great Circle.  All latitude lines (except the equatorial line) are Small Circles.  A plane that intersects the sphere without passing through the center, lies on a Small Circle. Lines are divided into 2 degree intervals, with the darker lines representing 10 degree marks.

Preparing the stereonet:
   Place a thumb tack through the the center of the stereonet.  Next, place a sheet of tracing paper over the net, pushing through the tack.  Put a small pencil eraser on top of the tack (to avoid injuries).  Trace over the circumference of the net and mark "North" with a tick mark and "N" on the tracing paper.

Plotting a line: ( coordinate: (120,20SE)

1.Count 120 degrees (clockwise) east from North. Put a tick mark on this spot.
2.Turn the tracing paper until this mark aligns with the E-W equatorial Great Circle.
3.From the tick mark, count toward the center 20 degrees. Put a dot on this spot.

Plotting a plane:  ( coordinate: (040,45SE)
1.Count 40 degrees (clockwise) east from North. Put a tick mark on this spot.
2.Turn the tracing paper so the "40 degree tick mark" is aligned with North.
3.From the East end of the equatorial line, count in 45 degrees. Mark with a dot.
4.With the dot lined up on one of the longitudinal Great Circles, trace along the Great Circle from top to bottom.  Rotate the tracing paper back where both "North's" line up to view the orientation of the plane.

Plotting a fold:  ( coordinate: (020,40W) and (325,70NE)
Count 200 degrees (clockwise) from North. Put a tick mark on this spot.
2.Turn the tracing paper so the "200 degree tick mark" is aligned with North.
3.From the East end of the equatorial line, count in 40 degrees. Mark with a dot.
4.With the dot lined up on one of the longitudinal Great Circles, trace along the Great Circle from top to bottom.
5.Repeat the same procedures for the second coordinate.
Plotting a plane

A bedding plane is measured in the field and the following coordinate is established: (040,45)  The strike of the plane is N40E and the plane dips 45 degrees SE.  The dip direction is N130E. 
     To represent this plane on a stereonet, count   (clockwise) 40 degrees east from North. The red dashed line represents the strike of the plane.  The solid red line represents the dip of the plane.  All points on this line are the apparent dip, other than the 45 degree mark (which is considered the true dip).  The pole to the plane is "normal" to the plane and can be located on the stereonet by counting 90 degrees from the "true dip" mark on the solid red line.
     See the above instructions on how to accurately plot these points on a stereonet.

Plotting a fold axis

A fold axis is measured in the field with the following coordinate: (120,20). The strike of the fold axis is N120E and it is dipping 20 degrees SE.
     The fold axis is represented on the stereonet by counting (clockwise) 120 degrees east of North. (red "tick mark") The red dot represents the 20 degree dip in the fold axis.

Note: A fold axis is a "line", which is represented on a stereonet as a dot.

Plotting a fold and finding its axis

A fold is measured in the field by obtaining the strike and dip of each of the limbs. The fold represented on the stereonet to the left has one limb orientated at 325 degrees and dips 70 degrees to the NE.  The other limb is orientated at 334 degrees and dips 30 degrees west.
The fold axis is a line that represents maximum curvature of the fold and separates the two limbs. On a stereonet, this can be found where the two limbs cross each other. In this case, it would be at: (334,30W).

....the end....

Sunday, September 5, 2010

kata - kata aluan...

Salam sejahtera.....

weee.... saya ada blog baru... hehehe... xde kje kan... okeh... this blog will focus how about tutorial on everything.... xkira dr segi my study, hobby, or etc... sje jeks nk berkongsi dgn kwn2...  "Manusia tak akan tahu semua perkara, justeru tahu banyak perkara lebih baik dari tidak suka mengambil tahu walaupun satu perkara." ~Pujangga~  so apa salahnya berkongsi... okeh... pd sesiapa ada segala bentuk utk dikongsi bersama... bleh email saya

p/s: baru belajar membuat tutorial... sory klu ada salah yeps... hehee
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