At this moment, sustainable development means different things to different people/groups. The most widely held definition is that of the Brundtland Commission Report of 1987 which stated we must " meet the needs fo the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". In other words, when people make decisions about how to use the Earth's resources such as forests , water, minerals, gems, wildlife, etc., they must take into account not only how much of these resources they are using, what processess they used to get these resources., and who has access to these resources.
Fresh water is a precious resource. Without proper drinking water, diseases such as cholera, dysentery and infectious hepatitis can develop and wipe outENERGY
Another project that Levine is pursuing is the development of the Presidio Pacific Center which would assist in training third world technicians in energy efficient technology. Levine believes that developed countries such as the United States have an obligation to lend their acquired technological knowledge to developing countries. Developing countries will flourish if they choose to use their technology in a sustainable manner.
Bioremediation is a new treatment technology to clean up contaminated environments through the use of microorganisms. The natural predatory characteristics of the organisms are utilized to either destroy or change hazardous contaminants to a less harmful form. This technology has proven to recover contaminated sites in a more cost effective manner with less risks to humans than conventional methods.Two cleaning methods have been used--in situ treatment methods degrade or change contaminants in place while ex situclean-up methods require the contaminants to be removed from the site to be clean-up somewhere else.Examples of toxic wastes that have been cleaned-up through bioremediation are oil, sewage, pesticides, and agricultural chemicals.
One laboratory which researches bioremediation is the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory at the Center for Environmental Biotechnology. This laboratory is relatively new and participates in two different areas.
One area is to facilitate and coordinate interdisciplinary projects for six divisions and 70 scientists at LBNL. These interdisciplinary teams share their expertise to further the success of the projects. Imagine dealing with all the different problems associated with environmental pollution. Developing clean-up methods requires the attention and expertise of a variety of different scientists. For example in a toxic waste spill, a geologist would know the effects of pollution on the soil whereas a biologist would be able to assess the human risks associated with a particular pollutant.
The second area is to research microorganisms and bioremediation. Researchers are interested in the behavior of microorganisms in various polluted environments. They are researching how a microorganism has the capability of surviving in a polluted environment as well as how it uses the pollutant as a nutrient.
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